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The Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology


HiTOP Clinical Field Trials

The HiTOP clinical field trials include 1) provision of a HiTOP-consistent intake battery--the HiTOP-SR--to 12 sites around the world; 2) training and support for use of the HiTOP-SR; 3) collection of satisfaction and feasibility data at a subset of trial sites. Trial sites include outpatient psychiatric and psychotherapy clinic settings. The aim of these trials is to incorporate the HiTOP Digital Assessment Tracker, a HiTOP-consistent assessment battery, into clinical protocols to inform treatment and to receive systematic feedback on improvements needed to the HiTOP diagnostic process. If you are interested in making your clinic a field trial site, contact:

Director of HiTOP Clinical Field Trials: Katherine Jonas, Ph.D. (Email: Katherine.Jonas@stonybrookmedicine.edu)

Dr. Katherine Jonas is a licensed clinical psychologist and Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Health at Stony Brook University. She completed her graduate degree at the University of Iowa, and her clinical residency at the Minneapolis VA. Dr. Jonas joined the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology consortium in 2017, and contributes to the consortium's development of self-report and interviewer based measures of psychopathology, as well as implementation of HiTOP assessments in clinical settings. She also contributes to the consortium's program of genomic research.

Click here for a link to a podcast where Dr. Jonas describes the HiTOP model and HiTOP-SR.

Symptom profiles.

Click here for a webinar from Dr. Jonas explaining how to use the HiTOP-SR in clinical practice.

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